Who do you think you are talking about bravery????
I’ll tell ya…. Hi 👋 I’m Sarah Oakley.
I’ve 18 years experience working in the wellness industry developing health, well-being and performance development programs to clients (such as Tesco, Price Waterhouse Coopers, and the BBC) as well as to teachers, pupils, athletes, actors, health professionals, charities, traders, actors, musicians, recovering addicts and more. I’ve also co-founded and sold 2 businesses in the fantastic yoga industry.
Like many of us I have been through challenges in my life. A few years ago I was totally exhausted by my role as a mother and full time carer to my husband and son. We had aspirations as a family that were shattered as we navigate life with 2 very sick family members.
In our lives we’re all going to have times we need to put our BRAVE pants on and that was one for me. It forced me to be vulnerable and open, and with the support of others, I have discovered the best parts of myself that could have easily remained hidden.
It’s my time build a compassionate community to inspire all you ‘BraveBirds’ to finally feel enough, get support, and fulfil your potential.
DISCLAIMER: I often don’t feel brave and I am often self critical.
BUT: If there’s anything I’ve learnt from the last few years and this global pandemic, it’s that we’re better off together. Love, hope, community and connection is crucial to happiness and resilience. And bravery is key to an extraordinary life.
So that’s why I’ll be:
1. Speaking on hope, bravery and female empowerment
2. Releasing our weekly podcast 'Brave Bird Club' with Lucy Burgess. Here's the link:
3. Launching our BraveBird knicker range in the next few months so we can all literally put our BRAVE pants on 🙌🙌🙌🙌 (and support the incredible domestic abuse charity ‘My Sisters House’ at the same time). Here's where you will be able to purchase them:
THANK YOU SO MUCH for being part of it.
Sarah x